Friday, March 15, 2013

Sketch A Day: My Etsy Store is Now Open!!

Yay! My store is open! Check out to find my art for sale! I am also open to commissions.

k, enough of that! :P On to the drawrings!

March 3rd 2013
A pen sketch of Miss Katie Holmes. Not a massive fan but I always thought she was really pretty.This took about 2.5 hours all in all.

March 4th 2013
I've really been into the pens lately, haven't I? I honestly think it's a sign of laziness....  I just didn't feel like blending that much this week. 2 hours.

March 5th 2013
A Birthday card I made for my step-sister, Amy. I totally didn't draw ANYTHING on this card.... I just Photoshopped a bunch of cute pictures together.... I thought I was clever with the wording though. Haha

March 6th 2013
........ I'm sorry you have to look at this weird lady... I spent SO much time drawing this.... and look what happened. Sigh. Gotta try harder next time! I actually saved this file as "Ugh.jpg"

March 7th 2013
I drew this from a stock photo on a free stock photo website, so I don't feel guilty! This was one of my first ideas as a tattoo on my arm. Not going to go that way any more.  I just LOVE the old school microphones! I have one and it's the best. Did this one over lunch break today so, 1 hour. 

March 8th 2013
This one I'm excited about! When I finish it, I'll be selling prints of this in my store (theartoflisabond). I'm about down past her guitar now. When this picture was taken, I had put about 2.5 hours into it.

March 9th 2013
I laughed all the way through this tattoo! This guy was so funny. I've also tattooed the Jetson's dog on his foot, and an angry, pre-historic beaver on his leg. Interesting guy!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Sketch A Day: Fun Games and Photoshop and Continuing On...

So my brother and I used to play this game to pass the time and try and push our creativity. I call it "Scribble Inspiration". I'm SURE some of  you've played it before. If you haven't, try it!

February 21st 2013 (Yes, I'm counting these!)
You start by scribbling random things on a page......

February 22nd 2013
...... And then use your imagination to develop them into something else! Mine always end up looking SUPER creepy. I mean, what's with the fish.... thing? And the bird.... Yup. And the creepy Simpsons-esque character. :/

I also thought it might be interesting to show a before and after Photoshop experiment:

February 23rd 2013
I drew this just using a couple ballpoint pens lying around and a reference photograph of the beautiful Miss Jolie. Took about an hour.........

February 24th 2013 (A WHOLE MONTH OF SKETCH-A-DAYS!)
.............Then I scanned it into Photoshop and played with it for a bit. Fun times. :) 

Okay, so I hope you liked that, I did! :) On to more sketch-a-days!

February 25th 2013
Oh hey! Another one in the Gears series! Once again, loving my protractor. Sorry for the big, garish watermark over it.... it's for sale so this is to prevent people from downloading it for free. As with the other two, this took about 4-5 hours.

February 26th 2013
Not my design, I copied this from a tattoo I liked. I wanted practice with the whole 'under the skin' effect. This took a surprisingly long time! Like, 3 hours!

February 27th 2013
Doodling eyes while watching mindless youtube videos. Didn't really want to post this but, ughh.. gotta post them alllll! Only like, 5-10 min.

February 28th 2013
RRRAAAAHHH!!!! It's a 3D scary spider!!! Not my design (I'm such a copier). Drew it from a tattoo I thought was AMAZING. I want to do more like this! Gotta work on those drop shadows!

March 1st 2013
This skull bunny is inspired by a stuffed animal my husband won for me at the PNE. I LOVE it. About 2 hours. (Again, sorry for the watermark, it's for sale.)

March 2nd 2013
It's a face. Just a face. It's for sale, hence the watermark. About an hour I think? 

My online store is almost stocked!! Stay tuned!!

See ya next time!

- Lisa